Where could I find your product or service manuals?
We have created comprehensive documentation related to our products and services. Click here and follow the instructions.
Where is the data in your platform hosted?
The data protection and privacy are the highest priority for the Bhojpur Consulting. Your data-at-rest is fully encrypted and the data-in-transit is secured through industry standard protocols (e.g., SSL). Depending on your preferences and our ...
Do you provide training?
Yes, the Bhojpur Consulting provides customer onboarding and training free-of-charge. We have created good quality presentation slides with illustrations, audio/video content designed for classroom training. We have created online courses for ...
Do you offer free trials?
Yes, absolutely. The Bhojpur Consulting offers a 14-day free trial on Cloud-hosted service offerings.
Buying your own Domain Name for a website
Just like your address in the physical world, you need a Domain Name to have unique identity in your digital life over the Internet. There are many Domain Name sellers in the market. However, it is sometimes difficult to find a Domain Name of your ...